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Courtesy of Aaron Schwartz M.S., R.D, L.D

Image by Heather Ford

Make the majority of your carbohydrates complex outside of workouts.

Carbohydrates are an athlete’s best friend. Carbohydrates are the body’s fuel currency. No other nutrient burns as efficiently as the carbohydrate does. A recommended amount of carbohydrates is six to ten grams per kilogram of body weight. Examples of carbohydrates include Legumes (lentils, beans, and peas), Whole Grain (oats, brown rice, and whole-grain

breads), fruits and vegetables.



Simple carbs directly before, during, and directly after workouts.

It may come as a surprise to you that simply carbohydrates (or simple sugars) are not always bad, especially for swimmers. Simple sugars are digested very quickly (thus the name simple) and will result in a rapid rise in our body’s blood sugar. When utilized

correctly, simple sugars provide quick, easy-to-burn fuel for our

muscles. Simple sugars are important directly after a workout due to the insulin response. Examples of simple sugars include pretzels, honey, and fruits



A little protein before a workout goes a long way.

Protein before a workout may sound counterintuitive. However, a small dose of protein can prime your muscles for recovery before you start a workout. Protein before a workout help establish a positive nitrogen balance thus improving the uptake of protein into the muscle, prevention the breakdown of muscle tissue and delays gastric (fancy word for stomach) emptying which in turn increases satiety and prevents hunger during training.



Strive for a 3-4:1 Carb-to-Protein ratio after a workout.

Protein is not only critical for muscle building but also for effective recovery. However, you may not know that consuming carbohydrates with that protein post-workout is just as important. The carbs not only replenish glycogen stores but also simulates a greater insulin response. Insulin drives sugar along with amino acids ) the building blocks of protein) into cells, including muscle cells, for more efficient use of the protein we consume. The goal is three to four grams of carbohydrates for every one gram of protein. Chocolate milk is a great example.



Protein: Quality over Quantity.

Try not to get too caught up with consuming loads of protein. A recent journal article that came from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics showed little difference in protein absorption and synthesis when comparing a thirty-gram protein dose with a ninety-gram protein dose. Most of it will be stored in fat cells. What’s more important is the quality of protein. A high-biological value protein is one in which contains all of the essential amino acids that are required by humans and will thus vastly improve muscle repair after a workout. Whole eggs, milk, fish, beef and spy beans are among the proteins with the highest biological value.



Balance is key.

The main reason why a well-balanced diet is essential is to ensure that you meet your body’s necessary vitamin and mineral requirements. These micronutrients may be small but carry an important weight for performance and overall health. For example, phosphorous Nisan essential mineral and key component to our body’s unit of energy.

Calcium is not only important for our bone health but also aids our muscles' ability to contrast. Vitamin B, Thiamin, is essential for carbohydrate metabolism. A well-balanced diet should consist of complex carbohydrates, lean meats, dairy and plenty of fruits and




Vitamin D for building muscle?

Among those micronutrients, vitamin D is gaining popularity in the realm of sports performance. Along with its role in bone health, vitamin D is now being studied for its role in muscle health and strength as well. It turns out that vitamin D has an important role in muscle synthesis and muscle contraction. There are few food sources of vitamin D however fifteen solid minutes of sunlight exposure will provide you with your required daily dose. This can pose a problem during winter months and especially for swimmers who train strictly indoors. Food sources include fatty fish (tuna, salmon, and mackerel), cheese, egg yolks, and fortified milk.




Dehydration can reduce the body’s capacity to do work by about 30%. Being adequately

hydrated can easily be the difference between first and second place. A swimmer should

replace each pound of weight loss after a workout with sixteen to twenty-four ounces of



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